About Us

Why We Are Different

In a world awash with mass-produced goods, the journey of creation often takes a backseat. At Renewify, every decision we make, from the sourcing of raw materials to the final inspection, is critical for us. We understand that for a lot of people, a mass-produced candle is all they need. However, that does not deter us from making the best candles using the best materials and processes.

Some want the best.

Some want to be kind to the environment.

Some just want a product that they know was made just for them—not through a machine, but through the hands of experts.

We at Renewify embarked on this journey for that exact reason: to provide the best candles while keeping costs at very competitive levels.

Let's Take A Look:

Step 1: Raw Material Sourcing

  • Us: We source our soy wax flakes from dedicated, eco-friendly suppliers that prioritize sustainable agricultural practices. Our fragrances are derived exclusively from pure, authentic essential oils.
  • Others: Generic blends sourced from various suppliers without a clear sustainability guarantee. Fragrances are often mixed with synthetic additives.

Step 2: Wax Preparation

  • Us: Our ingredients are carefully cleaned, filtered, and prepped to remove any impurities, ensuring a consistent burn and true-to-scent experience.

  • Others: Minimal cleaning and filtering, leading to potential inconsistencies in the burn and fragrance release. 

Step 3: Hand-Pouring Process

  • Us: We pour each candle by hand, ensuring an even scent distribution, smooth texture, and minimal imperfections. If even the smallest defect is found during the pouring process, we don't allow it through. 

  • Others: An over-reliance on machines. While machines might speed up production, they can lead to bubbles and inconsistent scent distribution. And forget about quality control with the pace they're produced at.

Step 4: Curing

  • Us: We allow our candles to naturally cure in controlled conditions, optimizing the scent throw and burn longevity. We do not rush this process; we generally cure them for 12-14 days.

  • Others: Rapid curing processes, often using additives or agents to speed up solidification, which can affect burn quality.

Step 5: Quality Inspection

  • Us: Rigorous inspection of every candle ensures that only perfect candles reach our customers. A random batch of candles is selected that originates from a particular batch of supplies; these get tested for burn quality and scent dispersion. 

  • Others: Batch testing with a higher tolerance for imperfections, leading to a higher chance of a flawed product reaching their customers. Simply put, quantity over quality.

Step 6: Labeling - Where Deception Lies

  • Some details: One of the biggest disappointments in the candle industry is the lack of accuracy and descriptiveness of their labels. This is mainly due to the barely existing legal requirements for the labeling of candles. However, there are organizations such as the ASTM, which is an organization that builds industry standards for products.
  • Us: Our labels state everything that needs to be stated and more. We follow the industry standard that ASTM has put forward. We even have the safety label on the back, where others have it on the bottom. We know the importance of consumer safety.

  • Others: A cute little label with their brand on it. The end. We have also noticed a lot of lies in this industry. The most glaring is the weight of the candles. On the labels, the weight that should be described needs to describe the net weight of the candle, excluding the container. This is the general guideline for the industry, which many candle brands do not follow. It makes sense; if you trick the consumer into thinking they're getting more bang for their buck, then this clearly is the way to go. 

Our candles stand out for clear reasons: superior raw materials, an unrivaled manufacturing process, and an unwavering commitment to quality. While others may cut corners, we invest time and care into each candle. The difference isn't just noticeable—it's remarkable. With us, you're choosing the best.